
Friday 29 January 2010

Hebrews 13:15-17

We are to offer a sacrifice of praise. Ie the offerings we are to make are not sacirfices of animals, but a continual offering of praise. Ourlife is to be filled with praise of what Christ has done for us. We need to be aware of our sin, but we are not to be weighed down by it, for the good news is that Jesus has dealt with the problem of sin. He has paid the price for our sins, and He has sent the Holy Spirit so that we can be transformed.. Sin is not a something where we have to search for the answer, it is somethign where we have to apply the answer.

The writer immediately turns to some more practical applications of what this means for our lives. Praise is not just a matter of singing songs or hymns (though these do matter and do make a difference), but of our lives. As Paul says in Romans we are to be a living sacrifice.

We are to share with each other and do good. We are not to become self-centred. We are to obey and submit to our leaders. Leading is difficult, but we are to do our best to make our leaders task and enjoyable one. There is nothing worse than having to deal with people who are contunually griping and moaning about something. We then also fins that our leaders do a much better job.

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