
Friday 8 January 2010

Hebrews 10:32-39

There had been times when the people had endured much for the sake of the gospel, because of their belief. They suffered physically and financially. They suffered themselves, and they shared in other peoples sufferings. They were prepared to go through all this because they knew that God had promised them something greater. Yet now, the writer needs to warn them not to throw it all away.

Thankfully in this country we do not yet experience much in the way or persecution, though the climate is becoming increasingly anti-Christian. However, we do go through trials of various sorts from time to time. In the midst of the trials our faith can uphold us, but the danger can also come once the trial is over. For the people here were in danger of throwing it all away. After a trial we can become lazy and relax too much.

These verse, along with others in the Bible, are a warning against the false teaching that if we have enough faith we will enjoy ever increasing wealth. This is not true. It is true that God will take care of all our needs, including our financial ones, and there is nothing wrong at all with material possessions. Moreover, if God gives you the ability to make wealth, then you should make wealth. But material well being is not our goal, it must not become a foundation, and there are times when following Christ may involve financial loss, as it did for the people here. We are looking forward to a better kingdom.

Like Paul, the writer quotes from Habakkuk 2:3,4 as the way to live. Christ will come. In the midst of individual circumstances Christ will at some point bring relief and salvation, on a global level, there will come a day when He will return. So we should live our lives built on trust in God. We must not turn back, but must press on in faith.

This is reminiscent of Paul's words in Philippians. While it is unlikely that Paul wrote Hebrews, it does seem likely that the writer was aware of Paul's writings.

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