
Wednesday 14 October 2009

Galatians 4:4-8

The Jews had failed to realise the enormity of what had happened when Jesus came. He is the fulfilment of all God’s plans. He is the Son of God, He is fully human, and He was born under the Law, ie He was fully Jewish. He came to redeem those under the Law (and everyone else as well), so that we could be adopted as sons.

There were two things fundamentally wrong with the Jewish approach. They did not realise who Jesus was, and they thought their current way of life (living under the law) was it. These faults can apply to most people. We do not realise who Jesus is, and do not see that life could be so much better. As human we have a strange tendency to settle for slavery. People become slaves to money, drugs, drink. Indeed there is even a sort of security in slavery. When the Israelites came out of Egypt they were forever wanting to go back to the slavery they had come from. But our destiny is to be sons of God, we have a glorious future and should grab it with both hands.

It is the Holy Spirit who assures us that God is our Father, and this means that we are also heirs. We need to focus on our relationship with God. Being a Christian is not just a matter of a set of beliefs, or a way of life (though both these are important), it is fundamentally about a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If we neglect this relationship, then things start to go wrong. If we focus on this relationship then we start to grow into the life and future that God has for us.

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