
Wednesday 7 October 2009

Galatians 3:10-14

“All who rely on the law are under a curse”. A good working definition of the Biblical use of the word “curse” is:

God’s judgement on man’s sin.

The Law pronounces God’s judgement on sin, and no one keeps every aspect of the law, whether one is talking about moral or religious aspects of it. Therefore everyone who relies on the law is under judgement.

Paul sets the Law principle against the faith principle. Paul quotes Habakkuk 2:4 to back up his argument.

Paul declares that Christ became a curse for us. This means that Christ took upon Himself the judgement that should have been ours. If ever we fell under condemnation we should look at the cross and remind ourselves that Christ has taken all the judgement for our sin. As far as God is concerned there is no sin left to be paid for.

The Judaisers thought that the promises given to Abraham could be fulfilled through the Law, but this was manifestly untrue. The Law relied upon us being able to make it, but sin means we are incapable of measuring up to God’s standard. Instead we are to believe in Christ. He died on the cross so that the blessing given to Abraham might come to all and that we might receive the Holy Spirit.

Notice Paul’s emphasis on the blessing going to the Gentiles. The Jews had become very insular and had forgotten about this. Note also the emphasis again on the Spirit. Through the cross we are forgiven for our sins, and we receive new life to enable us to become the people God wants us to be.

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