
Monday 17 January 2022

Genesis 28:10-14 - A stairway to heaven


The journey from Beersheba to Haran was about 550 miles, so was quite a trek and would take several days. They came to one place and rested for the night. I must admit a stone pillow does not sound too comfortable. However, Jacob seemed to sleep well enough and had a dream. He saw a ladder, though “stairway” may be a better translation. So you can either have Jacob’s ladder, or a stairway to heaven, take your pick! It is worth remembering that Jacob spends most of his life grasping and manipulating his way. Here God just appears to him. It is an act of grace. We can sometimes be like Jacob, always trying to force things. The Biblical way is to wait upon the Lord. Now this does not mean we are passive. It does mean we do the things that God has called us to do (loving God, living our neighbour).


Angels were ascending and descending on this ladder or stairway. At the top is the Lord and He now speaks to Jacob. God reminds him of his heritage, and the promises. God reaffirms the promise of giving the land, and that he will have countless descendants. And that all the families of the earth will be blessed through his offspring. The promise to Abraham is now extended, for God tells Jacob that his offspring would spread to the north, south, east and west.

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