
Saturday 8 January 2022

Genesis 26:12-22 - The Lord has given us room


Isaac had obeyed the Lord by not going down to Egypt. We have also just read the incident where he acted in a less than godly manner in lying about who Rebekah was. We need to be careful how we understand the relationship between blessings and obedience. First, it is far better to obey than not to obey. Here that shows itself in the material blessings that Isaac received. Secondly, one act of disobedience, or failure, does not necessarily negate everything. However, we should also remember the outcome of Moses’s failure to obey God, and God’s subsequent banning of Moses from entering the Promised Land. We should definitely not draw the conclusion that we can “get away” with disobedience. God is perfectly willing to bless materially and sometimes does. In our opposition to prosperity teaching we must not forget this. At the same time we must be aware that there are far greater blessings than material ones. Knowing God and becoming more Christlike are the greatest blessings that we can receive. Isaac’s blessings also caused the Philistines to envy him.


The outworking of the Philistine’s envy becomes immediately apparent. They blocked up the wells that Abraham had dug, and water was a supremely valuable resource. Abimelech now orders Isaac to leave. He saw that Isaac was much greater than the Philistines and felt threatened by him. Isaac moved to the valley of Gerar and settled there. Isaac re dug the wells that Abraham had dug, but disputes continued, this time from the herdsmen of Gerar. Isaac dug several wells before making one that did not produce contention. Perhaps the key lesson is that Isaac persisted, yet did not seek contention. Eventually he found a place where he could settle.

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