
Friday 2 April 2021

James 1:9-11 - The rich will fade away


James now turns to the way in which the rich and the poor should approach life. He begins with those who are in “humble circumstances”. They could well have been slaves or servants, and would not have had much in the way of possessions. Such people were to “take pride in their high position”. This refers to their position in the kingdom. They were children of God and co-heirs in Christ. They were far better off than people who seemed to be doing well in life. Now in all these things we should take the advice here as part of the truth, but a part that must not be forgotten. If we have the chance to “better ourselves” then there is nothing intrinsically wrong with taking advantage of the opportunity. More generally if it is possible to right wrongs in society we should do so. However, we must not make an idol out of any “social justice” goal, which is something that some seem in danger of doing these days.


Those who are rich should take a realistic attitude. For one day all the wealth will be lost. Their status will pass away like a flower. Worldly wealth of whatever kind is transitory. The gospel is brutally realistic, and punctures the pride of man in no uncertain terms.

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