
Saturday 27 June 2020

Matthew 5:4,5 - Blessed are the meek

Various types of religion can sometimes focus on those who are “happy”. Prosperity teaching can often fall into this trap. Conversely, the kingdom of God comes to those who mourn, to those who have suffered loss. Now this does not mean you cannot be a Christian unless you have suffered a serious loss! Rather, it is saying that the kingdom is there for those who have. And those who mourn will indeed be comforted.

“Blessed are the meek...” Meekness is not a quality much valued in the world, though we all appreciate it when we see it in someone else. It most definitely does not mean weakness. It means having a humble and gentle attitude, and is the opposite of arrogance. The quality is often derided in the world for it is seen as making someone a pushover, instead we are urged to assert ourselves. But meekness is a quality of Jesus, and He was no pushover. Crucially it is someone who puts their trust in God. We do not need to pretend to be something we are not, we do not need to seek to crush other people, for we trust in the One who is Lord of All.  And the meek will inherit the earth. Some may laugh at this, but the reason we will inherit the earth is because it is God who makes the ultimate decision, and He has said the meek shall inherit the earth.
This is a prime example of Jesus teaching Old Testament scripture, for in Psalm 37:10,11 (NIV) it says:
A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
though you look for them, they will not be found.

But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.

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