
Sunday 3 December 2017

1 Corinthians 2:4,5 - With a demonstration of the Spirit's power

Yet again Paul stresses that his message was not delivered with “wise and persuasive words”. This does not necessarily mean he was hopeless at preaching, but that he did not rely on his own wisdom and eloquence, nor did he make these things the focus of his preaching. Instead he relied on the Spirit’s power. Why do we preach and teach? It is to bring about change in people’s lives, whether that be through strengthening them, or leading to changes in behaviour and attitudes. However, we cannot make people change, only God can change people. Yet, He involves us in that task, but it is vital that we realise the role that we have. We do have to deliver the message that God gives us, we do have to love the people God brings us into contact with, but it is the Holy Spirit who changes people. If we start to think it us who change people, then we start to use manipulation, whether it be emotional or intellectual manipulation. We preach, God changes.


So knowing that it is the Spirit who changes people is important for us. It is also important for the people. Too often someone’s “faith” rests on the eloquence of a preacher, or on the charisma of a prophet or preacher, or on human wisdom. Our faith must rest on God’s power, and His power alone.

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