
Wednesday 6 December 2017

1 Corinthians 2:11,12 - We have not received the spirit of the world

In this verse Paul explains why it makes perfect sense for the Holy Spirit to reveal God to us. We can guess at what a person is thinking and what makes them tick, with varying degrees of success. But only the person themself truly knows what is going on inside. That is why interviews with people, and auto-biographies are so valuable, and can be insightful. In the same way, except to a much higher degree, only God can reveal what He is like, and what He is thinking. God knows what He is thinking, we, by human wisdom, do not. We need God to tell us, and that is what the Spirit does, and His primary means is the Word of God.


We need to realise that there is a sharp contrast between the way the world thinks and the way that God thinks. Humanity follows the “spirit of the world”. Human wisdom is fundamentally flawed because it is based on a wrong foundation. That foundation is that man can manage without God, that we can determine what is right and wrong for ourselves, and that we can find everything we need from the world itself. Man chose to go this way when he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Instead, our foundation should be God. He determines what is right and wrong. When we follow the spirit of the world our intellect gets us into trouble. When we make God our foundation (Prov 1:7) then our intellect becomes the extremely useful tool that it was always meant to be. Then we begin to understand what God has freely given.

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