
Tuesday 27 June 2017

Luke 13:18-25 - Narrow doors


This parable is also related in Matthew 13:31,32 and Mark 4:30-32. The mustard seed was very small, yet it produced a large tree. The birds of the air making nests also signifies the size of the tree, they may also represent the nations accepting the gospel. The yeast is in a relatively small amount, but it works its way through the whole dough. Jesus is using these illustrations to describe how the kingdom of God works. Why is He doing this here? The people have just been delighted at Jesus refutation of the religious leaders. The Jews expected the kingdom of God to come in an obvious display of power. Jesus is saying that it would be quite different, starting off as seemingly small and insignificant. Yet it would become the most significant thing in the whole world.

Jesus is now on His way to Jerusalem where the most significant event in history would occur. He went on His way teaching, emphasising yet again the importance of teaching. As humans we have a habit of asking irrelevant questions, focusing on things that do not really matter, or things that deflect us from the real issue, or that we use to avoid having to face up to the real issue. This is what is happening here when someone asks if only a few will be saved. Perhaps the most common question in the same vein today is “what about those who haven’t heard?”. Jesus knows the question asked is of little immediate importance. What the man should be doing is focusing on how he can enter the kingdom. And it is not easy to enter the kingdom, and we do so through the narrow door. Why then do churches so often want to make the door wide, by accommodating the (im)morality, thoughts and ways of society? Jesus has told them that the wide road leads only to destruction, so why do we want to lead people down that route? The door into the kingdom is narrow, ie it is on God’s terms not man’s terms.

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