
Tuesday 6 June 2017

Luke 11:42,43 - Woes!

There now follows a whole bunch of woes. Tithing was an important principle in the Old Testament (eg Lev 27:30-33; Deut 14:22-29). The Pharisees had all sorts of detailed rules on tithing, apparently going down to details in individual herbs. Part of the motivation of the Pharisees was to protect the Law, to ensure it was kept, so they went to extraordinary lengths in order to “keep” the Law. But in doing so, far from keeping the Law, they had ended up going right against it and against God. For they neglected the heart of the Law, which is justice and love (Mic 6:8). To make matters worse, they were completely blind to their disobedience, they thought they were keeping the law and condemned everyone else. This is a severe warning to all of us. If we find ourselves going to extraordinary lengths to “keep God’s ways” by setting up all sorts of rules and procedures then there is a very strong likelihood that we are actually out of step with the Spirit. One example of this is seeking “doctrinal purity”. Now if you read this stuff I hope you realise that I consider sound doctrine and good theology to be of great importance, but if we make an idol out of it we can end up in big trouble. So-called “discernment ministries” are an example of this. Another example is setting up elaborate procedures to govern dating among our young people. Sexual purity matters, and the lack of it in society is extremely costly, and its presence in the church is a disgrace, but no manner of rules will help. This does not mean we don’t have any guidelines, nor that we don’t concern ourselves with getting doctrine right. What it does mean is that, as Jesus Himself emphasises, it is the condition of our heart that is crucial. To put it bluntly, if someone is determined to have sex outside marriage, no amount of rules will stop them.

So-called doctrinal purity and pride will usually go together. They Pharisees enjoyed the favour and privilege of their position. This is something that applies to all of us, for it is part of the human condition. All of us who have any position of leadership need to watch ourselves. If we have a leadership position, or carry out some ministry in public, then hopefully we do it well. As a result will at times receive respect and praise. This is fine, and we should need give respect and praise where it is due. But when we are the recipients we should receive it graciously but guard our hearts carefully.

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