
Saturday 17 June 2017

Luke 12:32-34 - Give to the poor

There have been some very firm words on this chapter such as those warning us to fear the one who can throw us into hell, but these have been mixed with kind words as well. We need to take both together if we are to have a right perspective on life. If we think Christianity is all about being nice then we are badly mistaken and do not understand the reality of evil in the world. But if we just think everything is terrible and life is going to be terrible we are equally mistaken. God is our caring Father. Moreover, He has given the kingdom to us! Just consider these words of Jesus, the Father has been pleased to give the kingdom to us. Now go back to Genesis 1, what did God say there? He told us to have dominion over the world. This was God’s intention at the beginning, it is His intention now. We need to live in the world with our eyes wide open, but also with our hearts wide open, knowing what our Father’s plan is for His people.


God is giving us the kingdom, therefore let us accumulate all we can, let us enjoy unlimited prosperity! No way! Look at what Jesu says next: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor”. The rich farmer of the earlier parable sought to build bigger barns for himself. Our response to God giving us the kingdom is to be ever more generous. The farmer sought to provide earthly wealth for himself, but earthly wealth is fleeting and fragile. We are to seek treasure in heaven, and that will never wear out or fail. What does this mean? It means we commit wholeheartedly to God’s plans. This involves giving, it involves being prepared to suffer loss in this world for the sake of the kingdom, for we have a far more valuable prize in view.

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