
Sunday 15 January 2017

Luke 1:15-17 - In the spirit and power of Elijah

There were instructions that Zechariah and Elizabeth must follow, namely John must brought up not to drink wine nor strong drink. This is reminiscent of the instructions for Nazarites (Numbers 6:1-3). He would also be filled with the Holy Spirit even in the womb. Now some might wonder how this could happen, especially before Pentecost. God worries far less about some things than we do. He can pour out His Spirit when and how He likes.


We now see the link between John and Elijah. Since the days of Malachi there had been a drought of the prophetic word, and at the end of Malachi (4:4-6) it speaks of Elijah coming and turning the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers. All this was to prepare the way for the Lord to come. Note that repentance prepares the way for the Lord. There needs to be a recognition of the error of our ways. It says John would go in the "spirit and power" of Elijah. Now John did not perform any miracles, unlike Elijah, What he did do was confront the people with their sin, and confront the powerful with their sin (at the cost of his life). God sometimes uses miracles to confirm His word, but His word is the main thing.

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