
Tuesday 31 January 2017

Condemnation or an offer of life?

This is a link to an article in the Independent and while reading it it struck me how different this is to the gospel. Mr Sodagar apparently described various ways in which gay people can be punished. These methods included being beheaded, thrown off a cliff, burning them, “tear down the wall on them” (whatever that means, stoning I guess) or some combination of the above! 
Now the gospel also says homosexuality is wrong, but it says it is wrong with a completely different motive and endview. The goal of the gospel in highlighting sins (and homosexual acts are only one example of sin) is that people repent and believe, that we give our lives to Jesus so that He can help us rebuild our lives the way they are meant to be.
As Christians it is vital that we are clear about this difference. There are two unChristian approaches. One is to point out sins so that we can condemn people. The other is to go along with the views of society and condone sin, such as homosexual acts. This is an equally unChristian thing to do. 
The gospel highlights sin, but it does so not to condemn, but to lead people to life. And this is why the gospel, and proclaiming the gospel, is not homophobic nor a “hate crime”, even though we may still be falsely accused of these things.

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