
Monday 27 June 2016

Romans 16:18-20 - Those who cause division

Today we are often called to treat people with opposing views with respect. Now there is a time for this, but there is also a need to recognise that people who cause division and promote false teachings are not serving Christ, they are promoting themselves. Their ideas and opinions are self-serving and are the product of a corrupted heart. They work to deceive people.
At the same time we do need to distinguish between people who are false teachers, and those who teach mistaken things. We are probably all guilty of the latter at some times in our lives. A false teacher is one who is deliberately teaching wrong things and is going directly against the gospel.


Paul reassures the Romans that he thinks well of them. Everyone has heard about their obedience. However, it is vital that they do not become complacent. We need to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. Evil can present itself as an angel of light, it can have a coating of sugar. But inside it is utterly deceptive and vile. We need to be careful.

Why does Paul suddenly raise this matter here? In fact I don’t think Satan has had a mention in Romans so far. The emphasis has been on man’s sin and Christ’s justification. There is an important lesson for us here on spiritual warfare. We can become too obsessed with the devil (the opposite extreme is equally dangerous). We need to realise that our greatest weapon is repentance and trust (Is 30:15). See also that the defeat of Satan is the work of God, yet He involves us in it. For God will crush Satan, but He does so under our feet. And notice all that has gone before in Romans, it has all been about repentance and trust. This is how we win.
Paul now brings the letter to a close, and as he often does bestows a blessing of grace upon them.

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