
Saturday 11 June 2016

Romans 14:18,19 - Do what leads to peace

If we live by faith, depending upon Christ’s righteousness then we are genuinely pleasing to God. It is possible to live a life pleasing to God, but we do so by living by faith, not by seeking to justify ourselves. We will also receive true human approval. When we focus on rules as well as trying to justify ourselves we seek the approval of men, we want others to recognise how “good” we are. Jesus applied this to the Pharisees on several occasions. But we will not get true approval, because others will actually either despise or fear us, usually with the emphasis on despising for the hollowness of our supposed “righteousness” will become evident. But if we live by faith, depending upon God’s righteousness we will have a genuine love for others, truly seeking their well-being. Then we will have an approval from men that is worth having.

This verse sums up the approach we should have. Not the worldly approach of trying to prove ourselves better or cleverer, nor the approach of loving to point out someone else's weaknesses. Instead, we are to seek to do what leads to peace and to building each other up. Now we do need to be clear about the matters in hand here. Eating or not eating certain foods, observing or not observing certain days, are not sinful actions. Looking at the whole of Scripture, and the consistent teaching of the New Testament,a firm line is definitely to be taken against sin. Currently there are debates in many churches about homosexuality, and there are those who argue that for the sake of peace both “sides” should seek an accommodation. Such an approach is completely wrong, totally unbiblical, and an affront to Christ.

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