
Sunday 22 May 2016

Romans 12:6-8 - Different gifts

Gifts are given according to grace, and we do well to always remember this. We may sometimes do amazing things or do things really well, whether these be “supernatural” or “natural” gifts. Actually the difference between the two types of gifts is far less significant than we imagine. The list that Paul gives here includes both types. Elsewhere, particularly in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 we read how supernatural gifts such as tongues and prophecy are to be used in a sensible manner. Conversely, what we might think of as natural gifts are still given by God, and when used in a Spirit inspired way can have an amazing effect. Think of tle letter to the Romans for instance! Paul was not in a trance or merely repeating what the Spirit told him, yet it is the most amazing book and one that has had an immeasurable effect on the world. We never have any justification for being proud, for every gift is given by God.

We now get a list of various gifts or ministries. As an aside, we do well to remember that root meaning of “ministry” is service. We sometimes get too obsessed with “my ministry”. “My ministry” is really about how I am going to serve the church.

The list is very varied, stressing the point that Paul is making. All the gifts are needed. Some might be more prominent than others, but that is neither here nor there. For the body to function well all need to work well. So whatever gift or gifts we have we should get on and do it and do it well. And we do it joyfully, not grudgingly.

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