
Sunday 15 May 2016

Romans 11:24,25 - Do not be ignorant

Now we come to the culmination of this phase of the argument. The Gentiles were grafted into the vine, we became part of God’s kingdom, a place we did not naturally belong to. The Jews were a natural part of the vine, yet they had been rejected because of their unbelief. Yet if we can be grafted in by faith, how much more can the Jews be grafted back into where they naturally belong if they show faith? This verse is fundamental to our understanding of the place of Israel. It states two key things, one is that Israel belongs in the kingdom, it is where they should be, and secondly it states that it is possible for them to be grafted back in. Replacement theology, and associated beliefs, are complete nonsense and totally at odds with what the Bible teaches. How on earth anyone can possibly interpret Paul as saying Israel is no longer a part of God’s plan is totally beyond me.


Paul wants them to understand God’s workings, in particular His dealings with Israel and how all this fits in with His total plan of salvation. Paul refers to this as a mystery because it is not a plan any man would have thought of! The reason Paul wants them to understand is so that they will not be conceited. Pride is something we are stubbornly prone to. Our minds, if we are not careful, will forever find some way of interpreting things so that we are “better than others”. We need to be on our guard against this, and the best way to do this is to appreciate the grace of God. Israel had indeed experienced a hardening in part. Paul says “in part” for there were some Jews who believed, including Paul himself of course, along with all the apostles. However, on the whole Israel had hardened herself against the gospel. But this will last only until the “full number of the Gentiles has come in”.

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