
Sunday 8 May 2016

Romans 11:7,8 - A spirit of stupor

So the current situation in Paul’s day, and it is much the same today, is that most of Israel did not obtain righteousness with God, even though they sought it earnestly. There are a couple of points to make on this. We must not apply an overly literalistic interpretation of this. Many people in Israel did not seek righteousness, or at least not in a manner approved off by the Pharisees. The Pharisees regarded themselves as superior to the mass of the people. Secondly, seeking something in itself is not sufficient, we need to seek something in God’s way.
Then Paul makes it clear that some did find this righteousness. These are those who sought it by faith in Christ, and Paul refers to them as the elect. The point that Paul is making is that those who God wanted to obtain righteousness did obtain it, God’s plans are being fulfilled.


Again Paul backs up his case with a quote from Scripture. He is showing yet again that what is happening is entirely consistent with what God has always revealed about Himself. The quote is rather loose, and seems to draw on Deut 29:4 and Isaiah 29:10. Now we need to be aware that Paul is not saying that the people had no responsibility and could not help themselves because God had forced them to be dumb. He is saying that there were many times in the past, indeed virtually all of Israel’s history, when Israel failed to see or appreciate what God was doing. God’s plan is not out of control.

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