
Monday 7 March 2016

Romans 6:15,16 - Everyone has to serve somebody

So then? Does grace mean we should sin. Absolutely not! There is a common misconception that because we are freely and completely forgiven it means that we can do what we like and God will forgive us. Nothing could be further from the truth and shows nothing but a complete and utter failure to comprehend what the gospel is about. Moreover there is an implicit assumption that sin is actually good for you, or that life will somehow be more enjoyable or better if you sin. This is not the case. Sin is utterly destructive, it destroys you and those around you. Our lives are so much better if we do not sin, in fact the less we sin the more alive we are. If you think of the gospel as being a means of sinning and getting away with it then you are an utter fool. You need to open your eyes and see the truth. Instead, what the gospel offers is a way of being free from sin. Forgiven for the sins we have committed and set free from slavery to sin.


Sin tempts us to obey it, to follow its enticements. But if we do that we then find ourselves as slaves to sin. For we are choosing to obey sin. Have you ever thought of it like that when tempted? It puts a whole different complexion on things. The next time we feel tempted we should ask ourselves “do I want to obey sin?”. The choice is whether we obey sin and so become a slave, and a slave to something that leads to death. Or do we obey God and become a slave to obedience that leads to righteousness? Who do you want as your master: sin or God?

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