
Wednesday 1 July 2015

John 9:20-24 - Ask him yourself

The parents’ answers are very measured, this is because they feared being thrown out of the synagogue. This would render them as second class citizens and outcasts, so was not something that anyone would relish happening. So they confirm that the man is their son and was indeed born blind. However, when it comes to how their son’s eyes were opened they refrain from offering any explanation, but tell the Pharisees to ask the man himself. While this was motivated by a desire to avoid getting in trouble, it was also perfectly reasonable as the man was the best person to answer the questions. Their son was over the age of 13, so was legally entitled to give evidence.

John then explains the reasons for the parents’ reticence in answering. Elsewhere Jesus warns of a time when His disciples would be thrown out if the synagogue (John 16:21). Matt 24:9 warns of a time when all nations will hate us. We need to be aware that such times may come upon us. However, the parents were not believers and wanted to avoid trouble.


So the Pharisees went again to the man. “Give glory to God” was a phrase that meant recognise that God is the Lord of All and so give a truthful answer, regardless of what the consequences might be. Joshua did the same when confronting Achan with his sin (Josh 7:19). Obviously in this situation it was the Pharisees themselves who needed to give glory to God!

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