
Friday 10 April 2015

John 4:15,16 - Give me this water

The woman was now interested, though she didn’t quite understand what Jesus was talking about. Again, that is a common reaction. We need to understand the phases that people go through. This applies whether preaching to believers or unbelievers, and also ourselves when listening to the Word. We think people should immediately understand exactly what we are talking about, but often they won’t. They will go through various degrees of misunderstanding before finally coming to true realisation. And the same applies to us!
She thought that if she got some of Jesus’ water then she wouldn’t need to keep coming to the well. But just because we know Jesus does not mean we don’t have to deal with the practicalities of life.


Jesus continued to go deeper into her life and to reveal more of who He is. When we approach Jesus we always get more than we bargained for. He asked her to go and call her husband. The word can actually be translated either husband or man, but given the context husband seems the more likely. Jesus knows more about us than we imagine, in fact He of course knows everything about us, including all our thoughts and motivations. This question might have been used to embarrass the woman, but that was not Jesus’ purpose. Things happen in our lives and many times we think they are happening just to make our life more awkward or miserable. The truth is that God is in control of everything, and God works through all things for our good, to work towards making us more and more conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ.

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