
Saturday 26 October 2013

Luke 9:28-36 - Reassurance

Peter, John and James were closer to Jesus than the other apostles. Jesus took them with Him up a mountain, probably Mount Hermon. Why did He do this? We need to remember what He has just told them about how messiahship works, and that it went against all there preconceived ideas. There would be an awful lot going on in their minds. This was to reassure them that He was indeed the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament.
Jesus was praying and then was transfigured into a brilliant light. Moses and Elijah also appeared with Him, and they too were in "glorious splendour". So there is assurance that Jesus is the Messiah, is covered in glory, and also that His followers will be covered in glory. Now it is so vital that we hold both parts of this. The path on earth is the way of the cross, it applied to Jesus, it also applies to us. But the final destination is glory.
Elijah and Moses spoke about Jesus departure, ie about His death. More reassurance, namely that it was always God's plan that Jesus died, as indeed was foretold in the Scriptures. 
Peter makes one of his frequent inopportune comments. 
Finally a cloud appeared and God Himself spoke, confirming that Jesus was indeed His Son and that they should listen to Him.

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