
Wednesday 30 October 2013

Luke 10:1-24 - Sending out

Earlier we had the sending out of the twelve (Luke 9:1-9). Now we have a second sending out, this time of seventy two. This reminds us that there were many more followers of Jesus other than the twelve. 
They were to go out "ahead of Jesus". In a way the same principle applies today. It is only the Holy Spirit who can convict someone and bring them to salvation, but He sends us out to bear witness and this prepares the way. God involves men in His work. 
We often feel that evangelism is a waste of time and get discouraged, but Jesus here says that the "harvest is plentiful". We are also sent out like lambs among wolves. We are being sent out into a hostile environment. We are to be dedicated to the task, not allowing for any distractions.
If they found someone who welcomed them then they were to accept that welcome and stay at that house. It is so easy to spend a great deal of time and effort on trying to get the best. 
The disciples' visit to a town could bring judgement or blessing. They were to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom. But if a town did not welcome them they were to shake the dust off their feet. Judgement would come upon that town.
The disciples were sent out as Jesus' representatives. If the people listened to them they would listen to Jesus, if they rejected them they would reject Jesus. There is an identification between ourselves and Jesus.
The disciples returned full of joy,amazed that it worked! Even the demons submitted to them. Jesus replies that He has seen Satan fall and has given the disciples all power over the enemy. However, we need to be careful where out joy lies, what we delight in. We should delight in the fact that we are children of God.
Jesus then prayed to the Father, rejoicing in what was happening. And God's blessing pays no heed to human standards. He has revealed the truth to little children. 
Jesus then makes one of His claims to His uniqueness and divinity. The Son reveals the Father (ie who God really is) to people, He is the only one who can do that. Jesus is also the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies.

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