
Thursday 10 October 2013

1 Kings 21 - Naboth's Vineyard

This chapter further reveals the depravity of Ahab, the corrupting influence of Jezebel and the judgement of God. It really is amazing if you think about it that Israel's holy book devotes so much time to outlining in graphic detail the sins of Israel.
Ahab had a palace near Jezreel and wanted to buy Naboth's vineyard. Naboth refused because he had a far better idea of the importance of heritage than did Ahab. Because of the Law the king was unable to simply take the vineyard. Moreover, Naboth knew that the Law taught the importance of land belonging to families (Lev 25:23). Ahab accepted this, but was very sullen, acting like a spoilt child. Jezebel promised to do something about it. We see here the importance of heart attitudes. Ahab had outwardly accepted Naboth's refusal, but in his heart he was resentful, so when Jezebel offered to do something about it he went along with this.
So Jezebel set up a scam to falsely accuse Naboth. What was worse was that the accusation was that Naboth had cursed God, when in fact he was the one upholding the Law. So Naboth was stoned to death, and Ahab went to take possession of the land.
However, they had forgotten about God in all this. When men go about their corrupt ways they think that there is no God, they are wrong and there will be a price to pay. God speaks to Elijah and tells him to go and pronounce judgement on Ahab. See that God always uses men to execute His purposes. Jezebel was also judged and terrible death foretold.
Ahab is seen as the worst king Israel ever had. However, Ahab did repent, at least to a fashion, so God postpones the judgement. God is merciful and it is always worth repenting.

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