
Sunday 8 September 2013

Proverbs 3:7-12 - Do not be wise in your own eyes

"Do not be wise in your own eyes". If we listen to so many of the new atheists and various secularists and humanists being wise in their own eyes is so clearly what they are doing. We need to bear this in mind in arguing with them. Logical arguments can get so far and have a role to play, but the root of every man's problem is rebellion against God. When we ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil we became "wise in our own eyes". We need to repent of this. We also need to apply this verse to ourselves. We have been completely forgiven, but the work of sanctification is ongoing, so there is still lots of sin residing in us. At times it will show itself by leading us to become wise in our own eyes. When we spot this happening we need to repent and humble ourselves before God. And this will be beneficial to our health!
We are to honour the Lord with our wealth, and giving to God should be the first item in our budget, not an afterthought (which was Abel's problem). When we do this our wealth will increase. Now does this mean that in all circumstances at all times we can expect financial blessing in a legalistic sense? No, for two reasons. Proverbs is not giving laws but principles, and it is only part of the story. We are called to share in Christ's sufferings. However, the wisest financial move we can make is to be generous, and this will actually increase our financial security. If we make money our goal (which really means making it our god), then we are heading down a wrong road. If we seek first the kingdom of God then money will take care of itself.
The wise man is not the one who gets everything right, but the one who is willing to learn, both from God and from others. The Lord disciplines those whom He loves, because He has high hopes and expectations for us.

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