
Friday 6 September 2013

Proverbs 2 - Seek Wisdom

Wisdom involves listening, but it is more than that. It also involves applying our hearts to understanding. Wisdom does just not change our actions, but our attitudes and minds as well.
These things do not come automatically, we need to actively seek them. Just as we are to thirst for God we are to thirst for wisdom. This wisdom includes understanding the fear of the Lord. So there is a virtuous circle. The fear of the Lord brings wisdom, and wisdom brings understanding of the fear of the Lord.
Knowledge and understanding come from the mouth of the Lord. This means that we should listen to and read the word of God. It makes sense to seek the wisdom of God, for He holds success in store for us, and guards our lives. There is protection in the wisdom of God.
The wisdom of God is not an ephemeral thing, it enables us to judge what is right and just and fair, ie to apply it to life. It changes our hearts, ie the soul of our being.
Wisdom saves us from the ways of the wicked. Wickedness is deceptive and will seek to entice us down wrong paths, wisdom is the antidote to this.
It will also save us from the adulterous woman. Sexual temptation is very dangerous and can lead to all sorts of trouble.
In the end it is the wise who will inherit the earth, not the foolish.

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