
Sunday 22 September 2013

1 Kings 4 - Running the kingdom

Solomon's rule was established. The officials are listed and they come predominantly from those who faithfully served David. 
Solomon then appointed twelve district governors. In some ways this is a wise way to do things, but it also laid the seeds of later division. First, they were to provide supplies for the royal household, secondly the districts were chosen largely for administrative reasons and did not match the twelve tribes.
Verses 20 and 21 paint this as an idyllic time, a fulfilment of the promises to Abraham. The Israelites were numerous, and they had all they needed, the territory over an extensive area. Clearly this is not the final fulfilment, but there are some parallels to Jesus kingdom. In God's kingdom we are provided with all that we need, and it will cover the whole earth. The twelve governors could be seen as akin to the twelve apostles. The people all lived in safety. "everyone under their own vine and fig tree" is a phrase that appears in the prophets to signify a time of peace and contentment.
Solomon's wisdom grew. He did not just know how to rule the nation, but also had great knowledge of plant and animal life. He uttered many proverbs, and nations came to him to learn from his wisdom. Again, this is a foretaste of Jesus' kingship. One day the nations will come to seek wisdom from God.

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