
Thursday 21 June 2012

Romans 1:26,27 - Homosexuality and the Bible

Paul then condemns homosexual acts. Today this is a very contentious issue, indeed it seems that at times society is loathe for the issue to be even discussed. So let's look at what the Bible says and why it says it. First, the Bible clearly states that homosexual acts are sinful, it says this in the Old Testament and in the New. Secondly homosexual acts are not a recent invention, but they have been prevalent throughout history. So any attempt to try and make out that the Bible does not really condemn homosexual acts  does not have much to be said for it.
When Jesus was questioned about divorce what He did was to take his questioners back to Genesis 2 when God instituted marriage. The God given plan of marriage is between one man and one woman and sexual intercourse is part of this, and anything that contravenes this goes against Biblical teaching. That is why all other sexual acts are condemned by the Bible. So sex before marriage is wrong, sex outside marriage is wrong, homosexual acts are wrong, pornography is wrong.
As we know, various Western societies have introduced, or are considering introducing, "gay marriage". If they decide to do this they need to understand that what they are introducing is contrary to Biblical teaching. What they are doing is continuing the rebellion started in the garden of Eden and choosing human wisdom over God's wisdom.
I believe we are far wiser to stick to the Biblical pattern. Why do I believe this? Ultimately it is because I trust God's wisdom over man's wisdom.

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