
Saturday 16 June 2012

Romans 1:14-16 - The Power of God

Verse 14 actually says "Greeks and Barbarians..." Paul was called to preach to all the Gentiles about the good news. He seems to be assuring the Romans that he in no way considers them less important. Paul was called by God to take the gospel to everyone. So he was eager to preach in Rome as well. In the end he did get to Rome, where he was held under house arrest, but was allowed to preach and teach for a time. Eventually he was killed, probably during the time of Nero and his persecution of the church.
"I am not ashamed of the gospel." Rome was the capital of the empire. The Jews did not like the gospel, the Greeks did not like it. The Romans probably did not like it either. Yet Paul kept spreading the good news, and it kept on growing in all parts of Europe. Today we live in a world that is increasingly hostile to the gospel. Atheists disparage it as unscientific (a point on which they actually talking nonsense, but that is another story), secularists completely abhor Christian morality. In the midst of the society we should still be proud of the gospel. Why? Because it is the power of God that brings salvation. It is God's chosen method of bringing salvation to people. Individuals and societies need the power of God to bring the changes that they need, human solutions are doomed to fail, as we see again and again. So we should proclaim the gospel, for it is truly good news. Anyone who believes will start to find the power of God working in their lives.

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