
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Romans 1:19-23 - Futile thinking

Now we see how ungodliness suppresses the truth. "For what can be known about God is plain to them". Is this so? Yes. Look at the world, the most natural and obvious conclusion is that it is created, that someone put it together. Note that I am saying nothing about how this was done, whether it took 6 days or billions of years in our time perspective, just that an obvious conclusion is that it is created.
As an aside, while I fully accept that the Bible is not a scientific textbook, and to treat it as such is a mistake, consider this. The Bible teaches that there is a beginning, that the universe had a beginning. Until about 50 years ago the general scientific view was that the universe had just always been. But the scientific evidence was increasingly showing that the universe must have had a beginning, and we now have the big bang as the most widely accepted theory. So here science eventually caught up with the Bible! Indeed there was great reluctance to accept the big bang theory because of the implications that if there was a beginning, then that implied there was a creator.
So today many scientists are so committed to evolution because they are determined that there should not be a God who had anything to do with creation. This does not apply to all scientists and it is not to say that evolution is complete nonsense, but there are those who have an irrational reaction to anything that questions neo-Darwinian evolution as a sufficient theory. Similarly in the field of cosmology there are those who subscribe to the multi-verse theory. Now this may or may not be true, but behind it is again the desire to avoid the need for God. Rejection of God leads to bad science and irrational thinking. In fact in both these areas even if neo-Darwinian evolution is true  and even if the multiverse theory is true, the objective to do away with God is not achieved. It is not impossible that God used evolution as part of the creation process. If there are indeed multi-verses we are still left with the question why?
"Claiming to be wise they became fools." When men reject God they inevitably end up attributing God like properties to created beings, even supposedly wise and sophisticated western minds. Watching a very good programme some time ago on the universe, the presenter seemed to be taking what was essentially a pantheistic view.

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