
Friday 25 May 2012

Isaiah 59:1-8 - A picture of sin

"Why doesn't God do something", or words like this, are the common cry of many people. "Why doesn't He hear me?". Isaiah answers here quite clearly that the Lord is perfectly able to save, and He is perfectly aware of what is going on in the world, and in our lives. So why is there "no answer"? Because our sins have separated us from God. This is the the blunt truth of the matter. Our sins have separated us from God, so we no longer live in the relationship with God that was supposed to be ours. Sin is your biggest problem, like it or not. Only when we face up to our sin can we possibly hope to find a solution.
The fruits of sin are bloodshed, falsehood, no one calling for justice, relying on empty arguments. Isaiah likens the people to vipers and poisonous spiders.
The people are so lost in sin that they have no idea how to find a solution, how to find peace. Someone might object that all this is too harsh, too extreme, but just look at the world. Look at the thousands of abortions, babies denied life, then listen to all the arguments justifying it. Look at all the poverty in the world, and all the people who die because of our decadent lifestyle in the west. Then listen to all the arguments justifying it. Look at all the lies and platitudes that politicians spout, then look at the voters who make them tell these lies.
We need to look at ourselves and repent.

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