
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Isaiah 55:8-13 - A better way

God thinks differently that we do. This happens at all sorts of levels.It happens at the level of rebelliousness, this is most prominent at the moment in the area of sexuality where society in the West is taking a radically different route to God's ways. But it is also true of all our thought patterns. Without the Holy Spirit we simply do not view the world or life in the same way that God does. We fear things we need not fear, we worry about things we need not worry about, we do not understand what is happening or is going to happen.
What is the solution to all this? First, we need to repent, as we have already been told to do. We need to recognise our true position in the grand scheme of things. We are men and not gods. Only the Lord is God, only He is all knowing and has all wisdom. The whole root of man's problem is his attempt to be god. We need to recognise our utter dependency upon the Lord.
Then we need to learn from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit renews our minds (Romans 12:2), and learn to have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). 
When we do this we do not lose anything, but rather gain everything. For God's ways are so much greater and better than our ways. And God's ways will succeed. Man's plans end in disaster and failure, God's ways work.
So when we learn to walk and live in God's ways we go out in joy and are led forth in peace. The whole of creation opens up before us and fruitfulness is the result.

We will take a break from Isaiah for a couple of weeks or so and then come back to the final stint.

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