
Wednesday 2 May 2012

Isaiah 53:6-12 - Suffering Servant, Risen Lord

Verse 6 sums up what was going on at the cross. We have all turned to our own way, and the Lord has put our sins upon Jesus. The reason there is hope, the reason there is salvation, is because The Lord laid our sin upon Christ. He took up our sins.
At the "trial" Jesus was falsely accused and mocked, yet He remained largely silent and was calm throughout. Then He was led to the cross. He was oppressed and persecuted by the Jewish authorities and the Roman rulers. Then He was cut-off from the land of the living, He died because of our sin.
He died with the wicked, but also with the rich when Joseph of Arimathea gave his tomb.  Although all this happened to Him, he had done no wrong, there was no violence, no deceit.
Despite this it was the Lord's will to crush Him and make Him suffer. The Lord did this in order to make Jesus a sin offering. 
Yet despite the fact that Jesus was made a sin offering, that He was killed on the cross, He would live forever. He would see His offspring (which includes you and I), and He will reign. This is a prophecy of the resurrection. For after He had suffered He would see the light of life. He would justify many. 
Because of this the Lord has given Him the Name above all Names, because He took up our sins.
Jesus was mocked, and many still despise the idea of Jesus taking our sins and suffering for it. Yes it is precisely because He did this that He has been made Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The Lordship of Jesus Christ is intimately linked with His suffering.

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