
Friday 27 April 2012

Isaiah 51:7-23 - A God who acts

Now God addresses those who are committed to Him, who know what is right and genuinely want to learn from Him. The first instruction is not to fear men. The world is opposed to God, and the world system is opposed to God's ways. We see that in our day in the way that society is increasingly promoting gay rights, abortion, sex outside marriage and the like. We also see it in the economic system. We do not need to fear the world nor the arguments of men, for they will come to nothing, they will pass away. Only God's righteousness lasts forever.
Isaiah then calls on the Lord to arm Himself with strength. All this talk of God's righteousness, being the only true God etc was all very well, but in the world around him it seemed as if it was the world that was winning. God wants us to call upon Him to act.
God then assures Isaiah that He will indeed act. Our God is a god who acts.
God then addresses Jerusalem directly. She had suffered much, she had drank the cup of God's wrath because she deserved. But now this cup will be taken away from her and given to her oppressors.

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