
Sunday 15 April 2012

Isaiah 44:24-28 - Foundations of Wisdom

Again there is a reminder that the Lord is the One who formed us in the womb. We are not the product of blind random processes. We are not here by chance. We are here on purpose. 
Then we are reminded that the Lord made all the heavens, and the earth itself. The doctrine of creation is central to our understanding of the world. The Lord is the maker of all things, from the vastness of the universe, to each individual human being.
There are many who rise up seeking to claim that they themselves are "gods". There are false prophets who claim to know the future, but they know nothing. There are many so-called "wise" men who claim to be so far more advanced than people who believe in God. Their "learning" will be overthrown. Note that this is not an argument against wisdom or science, but only that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. All science and logic is built upon underlying premises. If the premises are false, then the whole edifice built upon them is worthless, regardless of how sophisticated or clever it might be. So anything that is built upon the premise that there is no God is doomed to failure.
Conversely, God fulfills the words of His servants and messengers. He has declared that Jerusalem will be inhabited and rebuilt. This seemed highly unlikely for the place was a ruin, and much of Israel was in exile. How could this be? Yet it did indeed come to pass. Likewise, Israel today is a despised nation, yet one day it will become the joy of the whole earth.

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