
Sunday 1 April 2012

Isaiah 40:21-31 - The Lord who undestands

We so easily forget who God is. Many go through life in ignorance, possibly willful, of the fact that the universe was created by God. The universe did not just happen, it is not an accident. The universe and everything in it was created on purpose by the Lord.
The people who seem so powerful to us are actually as nothing to God. Even the most powerful can be brought  down to nothing in an instant. They may have power for a time, but only for a time. We need to make sure that we have the correct world view.
"Lift up your eyes" We need to life our eyes above what we see around us. Not so that we ignore what is around us, nor live in a fantasy world, but so that we see things in their proper perspective. It is the Lord who keeps the whole universe going.
And this God who created the vastness of the universe and keeps it going is also interested in a day-to-day affairs. He knows about you and He knows about me. He understands us better than we understand ourselves. There are times when we lose the energy to carry on, or to face the battles of life, but He does not lose His energy. And His understanding is far greater than ours.
And those who look to the Lord will renew their strength. We will soar on wings like eagles and run with renewed strength. Elsewhere it refers to Israel coming out of Egypt on eagles wings (Ex 19:4). Now we will read of how they would be released from captivity in Babylon.

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