
Sunday 11 March 2012

Matthew 27:1-10 - Hanging

Thing were going according to plan as far as the chief priests and religious leaders were concerned. So Jesus was bound and led away to Pilate, whom they hoped would have Him killed.
Judas saw what was happening and was filled with remorse. One wonders what he thought would happen when he betrayed Jesus. Maybe he thought it would be some easy money. Sin blinds us,our hearts and minds become clouded over, unable to see clearly. They twist and distort things so that we can justify what we do, but at some point an awakening happens and we realise the sordidness of what we have done. This is what happened to Judas.
Judas sought to make amends, or at least to assuage his conscience, by returning the silver to the priests. They were not interested. So Judas threw away the money and hanged himself.
The hypocrisy of the priests is shown by their sudden concern about what is proper and right. They put the money to a "good cause", while continuing to put their plan to have Jesus killed put into operation. We too can act in the same way sometimes. We can do some little thing right, to try and ease our conscience when we have done something wrong.

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