
Thursday 1 March 2012

Matthew 25:1-13 - Take responsibility for yourself

This parable continues Jesus' teaching on how to be ready for His return. It is a warning that we need to be prepared to wait, and that we need to take provision. The foolish virgins had lamps, but did not take any oil with them. They were not prepared for the long haul.  The wise virgins did take oil.
All of them fell asleep waiting for the bridegroom, that was not a problem. What was a problem was whether or not they had oil.
The foolish virgins asked the others for oil, but they refused because there was not enough. We do need to help each other, but there is a limit to how much we can do. There are some things that you cannot do for others, there are some things that others cannot do for you. We need to have our own faith, we need to develop our own perseverance. 
The groom came while the foolish virgins were going to get oil. By the time they returned the groom had arrived. They asked to be let in, but the groom denied knowing them.
This is in many ways quite a harsh parable. The wise virgins refuse to lend them oil, then the groom refuses to let them in. It is a warning against thinking that we can get away with anything. We need to be prepared and to take responsibility. We should heed this warning. 

1 comment:

  1. Very Challenging but a good word- thank you Ian for sharing.
