
Thursday 8 March 2012

Matthew 26:47-56 - The Arrest

Now the arrest occurs. Judas came with a large crowd, armed with swords and clubs. Judas had arranged a signal, though one wonders why this was really necessary as Jesus would be well known, having hardly kept a low profile. Moreover, Jesus would have made Himself known anyway.
Jesus was in complete control of Himself, and invited Judas to do what he had come to do. Jesus was then arrested. One of the disciples, who elsewhere we learn was Peter, struck one of the soldier's ears off. Evidently  it was normal for the disciples to carry swords. 
Jesus rebuked Peter (not for the first time). Jesus was leading a different kingdom, and human swords will not help advance it. Jesus could have called upon countless numbers of angels if He so wished. But He had come to fulfil His scriptural purpose. 
Jesus then addresses the crowd, pointing out the ridiculousness of the situation. There was no need for the "kiss", no need for the swords. Jesus was not being taken against His will, but in accordance with Scripture. He was not leading a rebellion. He was completely open about what He was doing. 
Then in accordance with Jesus' earlier prediction, the disciples all fled.

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