
Thursday 3 November 2011

James 1:19-21 - Beware of your anger

"Quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry". This is the antithesis of the caricature of the typical Jew. If we are honest, it is the antithesis of the typical human being! We are quick to speak, quick to become angry. Indeed, it is what our society encourages us to become. These are actions that exalt the self.  Instead we are to exalt God above all, and to give proper respect to others. 
Our anger does not produce God's righteousness. Sometimes we talk about righteous anger, but we need to recognise that most of the time our anger is anything but righteous, it is about exalting self. We need to be on our guard against our anger. It will usually achieve nothing good.
"Therefore get rid of ..." Why does he say this? Because moral filth and anger typically will produce angry reactions in us. We will become angry in an attempt to cover up our sin, or to avoid facing up to it. 
Instead we should humbly accept the word planted in us. Our anger will not save us, but the word of God can and will save us. 
Listen to God's word, and do God's word.

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