
Thursday 24 November 2011

Isaiah 2:1-5 - The final outcome

In the last days, this is looking forward to the final outcome. God is eternal, this means not just that He goes on forever, but that He is beyond time, outside of time. He knows the end from the beginning, and everything in-between. Having described the position of Israel in the present, Isaiah now goes right to the end. Mountains signified government, and Isaiah is saying that the Lord's temple will be exalted over all the earth, and the nations will stream to it.
In Isaiah's day this would seem a very strange and unlikely outcome, for most of the nations despised Israel. Today, western society despises the church and all things to do with God. Yet a time will come when they will long to know what the Lord has to say.
Hoards will come to God wanting to learn His ways. The law will go out from Jerusalem. This has already happened to some extent with the gospel going out from Jerusalem to the Gentiles, and has now reached most parts of the earth. But so far we have seen only a partial fulfilment, there is a much greater fulfilment to come. Christ will even settle disputes between nations and bring an end to war. 
The final fulfilment of this is probably the millennium. The final verse (6) of this section, reminds us of what our response should be. We are to walk in the light of the Lord. We can argue and debate about precisely how much has already happened, exactly what the thousand year rule of Revelation means etc, but the most important thing is that we walk in the light of the Lord today.
If we trust and obey God today we will be ready for whatever happens tomorrow.

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