
Thursday 31 March 2011

Numbers 18 - Priesthood

The people had been complaining about the priesthood and its supposed privileges. In reality the priesthood had to bear the burden for the sins of the people, so it was an act of God's grace. In the same way people complain about Jesus being the only way to God, but Jesus had to bear the guilt for all our sins. Instead of complaining people should be glad that Jesus is the only way to God.
There were restrictions on who could go near the tent of meeting. The place of God is holy. We see holiness as something that is negotiable. We think, why does God have to be holy, why does He have to insist on these things? This is because our thinking is man-centred and not God centred. 
The priests would share in the offerings given to the Lord. Conversely they would not have an inheritance in the land, for the Lord would be their inheritance. Their lives were inextricably tied in with the life of the Lord.
In the same way, God is our everything. We are to be fully committed to Him.

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