
Thursday 24 March 2011

Numbers 12 - Rebellion within leadership

Immediately after the Holy Spirit was given to the seventy (plus two) there is an attack on Moses, this time from Miriam and Aaron, his own family. The pretext for the attack is that Moses had a Cushite wife. Now it is not absolutely certain who this wife is, but a possibility is that it is Zipporah (Exodus 2:21). The real reason may have been jealousy at the special relationship that Moses had with the Lord.
The Lord intervened directly in the matter. This is a warning against attacking God's people, especially His leaders. If this is done without just cause, then you are putting yourself on the wrong side of the Lord. Moreover, Aaron and Miriam seemed to have some grounds for their attack, for Israelites were not meant to marry outside of Israel. You can always find an excuse to criticise someone. Now Moses had married Zipporah while in exile, so maybe God makes some allowance for things that happen before we get saved. 
The Lord speaks strongly in favour of Moses, saying that he is more than a prophet. Miriam and Aaron are severely rebuked by God. 
Miriam was struck with a skin disease. Aaron pleaded with Moses, and he prayed to God for her healing. After a period of seven days Miriam was restored. Then the people could move on.
Rebellion within leadership is a very serious matter.

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