
Friday 20 August 2010

Psalm 37:6-9

In the end we will be vindicated. The final outcome for Christians is victory! We can make wrong choices and act badly because we believe that defeat and shame are the only outcome, but this is wrong. We need to have the true final outcome upper most in our minds. This is why the letters in the New Testament often urge us to look forward to the day when Christ returns. We do not do this as escapism, but to enable us to live properly in the present.
So what should we do? One of the things is to wait before the Lord and to be patient. Now waiting on the Lord is not necessarily a passive thing, though sometimes it is. There are things we know we should do, such as loving people, praying, giving, praising, witnessing, etc. There are times when we seem to get no results. In these cases we should continue doing what we know is the Lord's will confident that God will bring forth the results at the proper time. There are other things in our lives about which we can do nothing. Our natural reaction can be to either try and do something and just make things worse, or to get frozen with worry and fear and stop doing anything. For those things about which we can do nothing, we should just leave them to God, and get on with the things that we are meant to be doing. So we should not fret when things do seem to be working out.
Anger and fear can often go together, so we are to refrain from anger. Man's anger does not achieve God's purposes, but only leads to evil. It is those of us who hope in the Lord who will inherit the land.

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