
Tuesday 3 August 2010

Exodus 20:1-17

God spoke these words to Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments, perhaps the most well known part of the Bible. These ten commandments form the basis for the life of Israel, and for Christians today. Indeed they form a basis for any society, even non-Christian ones, and when a society deviates from them collapse and decay are quick to follow.
Even the essence of the first five is relevant to all societies. Any society which makes an idol of anything will eventually destroy itself. Nazi Germany made an idol of Hitler and we know the destruction that that brought. Communist Russia made an idol of communism, in fact note the proliferation of idols of human form in communist societies. In the West the idolisation of money leads to sin of all sorts.
The misuse of the name of the Lord always leads to destruction. Many atrocities have been carried out in the name of God, but eventually the guilty are brought to trial.
The Sabbath is also relevant. Man needs a day of rest, societies need times of rest. The relentless drive to squeeze the last ounce of efficiency or profit out of something is always a mistake, with a, eventual cost far greater than any small efficiency savings.
Anyone is wise to pay heed to these laws.
A society that honours its families, especially the parents will be a strong society.
Violence and theft are hallmarks of dysfunctional societies, as are ones where corruption is rife. And adultery is destructive, regardless of what so called wise people might say, as is a society riven with envy.

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