
Monday 2 August 2010

Exodus 19:10-25

The people had to consecrate themselves because the Lord was going to meet with them, but there were limits to how close they could get to the Lord. If they transgressed these limits they would die.
So Moses consecrated the people. They also abstained from sex, this is because the emissions would make them unclean (Lev 15:18).
When the Lord appeared it was preceded by thunder and lightening, and a loud trumpet blast. Note that these are similar to signs associated with the return of Christ (Matt 24:27; 1 Thes 4:16). The mountain was covered with smoke and the trumpet blast got increasingly louder. Then Moses spoke to God.
The first thing God says to Moses is the importance of being consecrated, otherwise the people would die. Only Aaron was allowed to come up to the Mountain.
One clear message from all of this is that it is God who decides who can approach Him, and how they can approach Him. People sometimes complain about Christ being the only way to God, but that is what God has decided and who are we to argue?

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