
Saturday 20 March 2010

Acts 5:33-41

Not surprisingly the Sanhedrin reacted with fury. Those who are guilty often react the most violently when accused. However, one teacher of the Law did offer an alternative view. Gamaliel was greatly respected. He spoke to the Sanhedrin in private. If you are trying to convince someone to change their mind or their approach it is usually best to do it in private. Changing ones mind, or climbing down, may seem to involve a degree of humiliation, so you have more chance of success if it is done privately.

Gamaliel is not arguing from faith, but giving a rational argument. There had been many supposed messiahs, some of whom seemed to enjoy an amount of success for a while. but in the end they just fizzled out. A particular case of a man called Theudas is cited, he had a good number of followes, but after his death the whole thing faded away. Another example, someone called Judas, is cited as well. So if Jesus was just a man, then in time the whole thing would die out. However, if Jesus was indeed God, then to resist the disciples would be extreme folly.

The Sanhedrin were convinced and let the disciples go, though not before having them flogged. They were ordered again to stop preaching the name of Jesus, but they ignored this and rejoiced that God considered them worthy of suffering for Jesus' sake.

As an aside, the very fact of the church is strong evidence for the resurrection. For if Jesus had not indeed risen from the dead, there is little else to explain the emergence and continuation of the church.

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