
Friday 12 March 2010

Acts 4:5-11

The religious rulers met in Jerusalem. Annas had actually been deposed as high priest by the Romans, but was till recognised by the Jews. They questioned Peter and John. Note that there was no question about the miracle being genuine, this was accepted as a fact. Instead they were concerned about in whose name and by what power they had performed the miracle.

Jesus had told them not to worry about what they would say when called before the councils of men for the Spirit would help them, and here we see that working out in practice. Peter first points out that they are being called to account for an act of kindness. It is indeed very strange, for the lame man's life has been made immeasurable better by their actions. So why does this merit them being thrown in jail?

Peter then puts it to them straight. It was by the name of Jesus that they healed the man. The same Jesus they had crucified but God had raised from the dead. Peter then drives the point home by quoting from Psalm 118:33, a Psalm Jesus Himself had quoted from. The Holy Spirit is working through  Peter to convict the religious leaders.

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